Price of Bytecoin is Rocketing

Bytecoin Bytecoin Bytecoin

The price of Bytecoin is skyrocketing! At the time of writing, i can't seem to find any information on the internet as to why this is happening but i've made a huge investment in my start up minings in Minergate. The whole idea to me mining away at bytecoin was that i could collect tens of thousands of them and as the price went up, my investment in them would grow too. And it seems as though this is the start of something new...

I already have more that 10,000 currently mined and am tirelessly working away to get more. If this keeps up i'll be just like all those Bitcoin beginners and have millions when it reaches a peak.

As you can see from the screenshot of my account, 10,793 Bytecoin or BCN is worth approximately 0.00302230 Bitcoin, which in real money is worth quite a bit. I couldn't start talking about conversion rates as it will just go out of date so quickly.

So get on to minergate and start hashing those bytecoins. Get in there before the difficulty smashes it and specialist equipment is necessary 

An Eye In The Sky

Once I can nail down why Bytecoin has risen so much I'll keep you guys posted. I may have to visit forums and try speak to people running the Altcoin. They may have made a business deal and affected the price accordingly.

But in the meantime, dont miss out, get onto Minergate and get mining!


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