Share the freebitcoin!

It's always nice to share stuff. I know everybody likes getting stuff for free, well, I know i do. It's brilliant when you find money on the floor isn't it? but whats even better is when you're given something just for being you.

I've been looking around and I have only 1 referral as of the 13-Sept-2016 and he's been working diligently and collecting a good share of his bitcoins. I've noticed a nifty little feature where i can give away some of my bitcoins to all my referrals.

Granted 52 satoshi isn't a great deal. But with the dear Lord Spaghetti monster to guide me I will from now on donate 12.5% of my bitcoins each and every Friday. It will be split equally among whoever decides to join me in my Bitcoin domination quest.

If by any chance I find that there are a few superstars in the making then of course your share will be greater. The point here is though: Exceed expectations and thy shall be rewarded greatly.

And literally just this second i have thought up of a brilliant weekly prize! For any referral that can reach 1,000 satoshi in the recent commissions box i will double the amount and send it to you directly. (There is the option to do that)

Once again, coming in a close second to the spaghetti monster is the all knowing bitcoinlord. i thank you for all your gracious wisdom. Find him here by clicking on this here hyperlink ----> <-----

Now go forth and make me proud young bitcoiners.


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