What i found when i was searching the internets

So, one day while i was out and about i find this website called freebitcoin and i have to say i'm suitably impressed with its innner and outer mechanics. It's suprisingly well maintained and it just looks preety good too.

I found it here on this webpage the best bitcoin faucet.

Basically, every hour you can complete a captcha thingymajig and earn yourself roughly around 300 satoshi every 60 minutes. Its all totally free and there arent even many adverts. (Which is quite refreshing for a change since most of these faucets seem to run on the product placement of advertisements)

The above image shows the latest faucet claim amounts. On the lefthand side of the table it says "Lucky Number" if, after you click the claim button, your lucky dice roll lands between 0 and 9885 you win the corresponding amount. between 9886 and 9885 etc etc. I'm sure you get the picture bu now. In the few months i've been using it i've never been over 9885. But who's to say its not going to happen though?

I regularly cash in my reward points to make my satoshi bonus 1000% for 24 hours.

I should reach out to the self styled Bitcoinlord and thank him for the information i found on his website, luckily i was able to find out a grrat deal more about bitcoin and how they were made before i started playing around with all of this sort of stuff.

I understand my first ever post on the subject of the best bitcoin faucet may not have been the sharpest and most entertaining of all the ones you may have read out there but i just wanted to share a simple a beautiful resource with the world at large.

I can only hope it helps you just as much as it's helped me. (So far i've won $5 on the multply BTC thanks to bitcoin lords unique system) Follow the link above and you'll see just what i mean, he's the best. Thank you Bitcoin Lord


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